Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act, the National Center for Education Statistics and the National Center for Health Statistics shall conduct a study on the impact eating disorders have on educational advancement and achievement. The study shall--
(1) determine the prevalence of eating disorders among students and the morbidity and mortality rates associated with eating disorders;
(2) evaluate the extent to which students with eating disorders are more likely to miss school, have delayed rates of development, or have reduced cognitive skills;
(3) report on current State and local programs to educate youth about the dangers of eating disorders, as well as evaluate the value of such programs; and
(4) make recommendations on measures that could be undertaken by the Congress, the Secretary of Education, States, and local educational agencies to strengthen eating disorder prevention and awareness programs.
Eating disorders
  • This reseasrch would be very benefical to see the current statistics in school.

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